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Vet Sense Permetrol


Permetrol is an insecticidal spray and rinse concentrate for dogs and horses.

Horses:Use for the control of pyrethroid sensitive flies - buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua), stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) and biting insects (Culicoides sp.). Also an aid in the treatments of Queensland Itch.

Dogs: Use for the control of fleas (Ctenocephalides felis, Ct canis) and ticks (adult Rhipicephalus sp.). Also an aid in the treatment of allergic dermatitis(summer eczema).


This product should not be used on cats and animals under 12 weeks of age.

When diluted in methylated spirits, the product should not be used on broken skin.

Dogs: Dilute 10mL per 400mL of water or methylated spirits if rapid drying is required.

Horses: 10mL per 400mL water. Spray as required for fly nuisance. For Queensland Itch [Culicoides bite hypersensitivity] spray twice weekly until Buffalo Fly symptoms abate, then as required.