Care and Cleaning of a LUC CHILDERIC SADDLE

Each saddle is covered in a premium quality buffalo leather, which provides a rider with the perfect balance of grip and comfort whilst remaining truly beautiful. The leather is a top grain leather which starts with a soft fuzzy surface which with in a couple of rides goes to a smooth mate finish.
Before the First Ride
Every new Luc Childeric Saddle comes with a free cleaning kit containing Luc Childeric's soap, oil, and an applicator brush.
- Give the saddle a couple of light coats of oil focusing mostly on the underside of the flaps with the Luc Childeric Oil that is supplied. - Avoid over oiling the soft leather covering the knee rolls and seat.
- Once the oil has soaked into the leather give the saddle a quick clean using the Luc Childeric Glycerine soap by putting a small amount of soap onto a damp cloth/sponge and wipe over the leather.
Luc Childeric Glycerine soap is also a mild leather conditioner. This combined with its ability to cleanse leather makes it the perfect product to care for your saddle.
After the First Ride
- Give the saddle a quick clean using your Luc Childeric Glycerine soap, by placing a small amount onto a damp cloth and wipe over the leather. This will reduce the damage the horses sweat will do to the soft leather of your saddle.
- Because of the harshness of our climate it is then recommended to apply a liberal amount of conditioner to the underside of your saddle focusing on the panels.
On Going Care
After the initial treatment it is important that you continue to use the Luc Childeric Glycerine soap on a regular basis to keep your saddle clean and conditioned. It is advisable to wipe your saddle over after each use to remove any sweat and grime.
Several times a year apply a liberal amount of a good leather cream or conditioner to the underside of the saddle, focusing on the panels. This may need to be increased depending on the frequency the saddle is being used. The more a saddle is being used the more you will need to condition it.
Only oil your saddle when the leather is dry. Use multiple light coats of oil, avoid over oiling your saddle especially the soft leather of the knee rolls and seat.
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