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Defending Your Equine Companions: A Comprehensive Guide to Fly and Mosquito Control

As much as horses enjoy the soothing touch of a well-scratched face, the relentless annoyance of buzzing insects can be a real bother. At Aitken's Saddlery, we understand the importance of ensuring your equine friends are comfortable and protected during insect season. In this blog, we'll explore various natural, environmental, and chemical strategies to keep flies and mosquitoes at bay.

Natural Products for Defense

  1. Fly Masks and Sheets:Commercial fly masks act as a protective barrier, keeping annoying insects at a distance. Additionally, fly sheets prevent direct contact with a horse's body while allowing air circulation. Equipping your horse with mesh leg boots is especially beneficial for those sensitive to fly irritation on their legs.

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Equilibrium Fly Mask Max Grey
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Citronella Scented Fly Boots Black

Turbulent Air and Lighting:

Insects dislike turbulent air, so consider bringing your horse into a sheltered area with a fan during bothersome times. Use fluorescent lights around horses, as they attract fewer insects. Turn off stable lights at night to minimize attraction. Incandescent lights placed away from stabling areas can divert mosquitoes.

Environmental Management

Manure Management:

Regularly remove manure from stalls and runs to eliminate breeding sites. Proper drainage around the barnyard and barn reduces moist areas where insects proliferate.

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Childs Pooper Scooper Set
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Stable Scoop and Fork

Vegetation Control:

Mow vegetation and weeds around buildings and paddocks to minimize insect breeding habitats.

Eliminate Standing Water:

Ensure water troughs, ponds, and other containers are regularly drained to prevent mosquito breeding. Mosquito dunks and soil bacteria can also help control larvae in standing water.

Chemical and Pharmacological Solutions

Insect Repellents:

Apply insecticide repellents to keep flies away from sensitive areas. Spot-on insecticides with permethrin can offer protection for a couple of weeks.

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Alto Lab Bug Shield Spray 500ml
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Blue Ribbon Ready to use Insecticide
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Vet Sense Permetrol
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Dr Show Outdoor Protect & Shine 750ml

Fly Traps and Zappers:

Utilize fly traps with bait or ultraviolet bug zappers to control houseflies and mosquitoes. Be cautious with placement to avoid attracting unwanted insects.

Residual Insecticides:

Apply residual insecticides to stable surfaces, ensuring different chemicals are used to prevent resistance.

Defence through Supplementation

Garlic Supplementation:

One natural approach to ward off pesky insects is to consider supplementing your horse's diet with garlic. Known for its natural insect-repelling properties, garlic can act as a powerful deterrent, making your equine companion less appealing to flies and mosquitoes. At Aitken's Saddlery, we believe in holistic solutions, and garlic is a fantastic addition to your horse's nutritional regimen.

Garlic contains sulfur compounds, notably allicin, which, when metabolized, creates an odor that insects find displeasing. By incorporating garlic into your horse's diet, you're not only enhancing their overall health but also providing a natural defense against bothersome bugs during insect season.

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Garlic Granules
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Staysound Honey and Garlic

Combining these strategies will create a comprehensive defense against pesky insects on your horse property. At Aitken's Saddlery, we prioritize the comfort and well-being of your equine companions. Implement these tactics to enjoy insect-free seasons and keep your horses content.